[O noso nome é]

Oriana Méndez

O noso nome é

corpos para a caza, así nos chaman

Nada máis que alimento transitando

un bosque caducifolio

entregados ao vento

digo desviarnos e agardar o termo

da guerra, un campo final de xirasois


neste lugar tiñamos o costume

de cortarlle a cabeza

ao rei, señor

Vibra a estación que nos envolve

ningunha sima hai perante

as árbores

este quizais sexa quizais

un bosque infinito

eterno na súa caída invisible

Corpos para a caza

que nos estendemos e xa perdemos

calquera noción e a vista

que fomos ofrecidos aos confíns

da néboa

un lugar con propiedade

o dominio deste couto é

para o que traballamos

el é a división para

a que traballamos

con nome e sombras encadéanse

a pel, o fondo dos invernos

a última pinga dunha peza vacúa

sobre a mesa, sobre o bosque

Termidor nos corpos que brotan

da voz sen voz cando morre agudo

dese animal

Din e sobre o mármore descansa

a carne nun coiro que bebe dela


produciremos no corazón

entraremos nos campos

na caída invisible do bosque

para que as sombras sosteñan o corazón

sosteñan os campos

sosteñan todas as caídas

e conserven aínda o seu trazado

estas fragas que son atlas para a


Así se ditan as súplicas

no lugar equivocado:

o tempo progresa contra

as nosas mans facéndoas

irrecoñecibles aos ollos

aos ollos das nosas mans

os que levamos dentro

aos nosos propios paxaros de luz

[Our name is]

Neil Anderson

Our name is

bodies for the hunt, that’s what they call us

Nothing more than food crossing

a deciduous forest

given over to the wind

I mean getting lost and waiting for the war

to end, one last field of scorched


here in this place we had the custom

of cutting off the king’s

head, sir

It vibrates, the season that surrounds us

there is no abyss

among the trees

this is perhaps

an infinite wood

eternal in its invisible falling

Us. Bodies for the hunt

that stretch out and lose

all notion and the view

we were offered of where

the fog ends

a place unto itself

dominion over this preserve is

what we work for

that is the division

we strive for

with names and shadows linking

skin, the very bottom of every winter

the last drop of an ox emptied

upon the table, over the forest

Thermidor in the bodies that sprout

from a voice without a voice when it dies

croaking from this animal

They speak and upon the marble rests

flesh in a leather sack that drinks it

They write:

we will produce in the heart

we will enter the fields

enter the invisible falling of the forest

so that the shadows might hold up the heart

hold up the fields

hold up all the fallings

and so that the woods an atlas

for the hunt

might bear a trace of them

Thus supplicants speak

in the wrong place:

time progresses against

our hands making them

unrecognizable to our eyes

the eyes of our hands

the ones inside us

our very own birds of light

about the authors